Author Archive
UK Ag Policy Preparing for Climate Change

UK Ag Policy Preparing for Climate Change

Climate change in UK raises concern about the future of agriculture and food production. Experts at the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) are looking for adaptation scenarios for farmers and growers to respond to change – article in the Adapting to a changing climate Most scientists agree the UK enviroment of the future will be...
RIO+20: Engaging Small Farmers in Sustainable Ag

RIO+20: Engaging Small Farmers in Sustainable Ag

In Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the importance of smallholder farmers in terms of food security and sustainable agriculture was highlighted – article in the Guardian: Rio+20 a chance to engage smallholder farms in sustainable agriculture The draft outcome document of the Rio+20 summit mentions smallholder farmers – many of them women –...
Edible Infrastructures Phase I - Hot Off the Presses

Edible Infrastructures Phase I – Hot Off the Presses

Here they are folks.  Vol. I of Edible Infrastructures – the first copies – hot off the presses. It’s rewarding to see all this research starting to come together in something you can hold in your hand and flip through. Feel free to stop by the EmTech studio and have a look. Or browse the online...
Stefano Boeri's Vertical Forest Under Construction in Milan

Stefano Boeri’s Vertical Forest Under Construction in Milan

I was so surprised and delighted to see one of these proposals actually getting built. This Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) by Stefano Boeri is currently being built in Milan.  I really hope this project works and we see those trees thrive, but those planters make me nervous – they just seem too small don’t they? via [TreeHugger]
Case Studies: Growth Chambers for Extreme Environments

Case Studies: Growth Chambers for Extreme Environments

South Pole Chamber Research by Gene Giacomelli, combined with the University of Arizona and NASA, has been developing production facilities for extreme climates like on the moon and Antarctica. In one of the most extreme and remote environments fresh vegetables are grown in the ‘South Pole Food Growth Chamber’, to support the crew of the...